Monday, September 14, 2009

here it goes

i have decided to begin a new journey.

i want to lose weight! i fell as though i have been on this journey forever...the ups and downs of the ever chubby girl. so about a month ago i decided it was time to do something about this ever constant problem and i began to change my diet and consistently exercise more. i looked into and researched a safe weigh loss aid and have incorporated it into my lifestyle.

now i know you are thinking oh she is cheating by taking a pill...well only a little. the pills purpose is to assist you in losing weight but you still have to eat a low fat diet and work your butt off exercising.

so here i am - 3 weeks into taking the pill and have lost 7 pounds (woohoo!)

a friend challenged me to jog with her and i have. i even get up and go alone. so a mile here and a mile there can really make a girl feel great about herself!

my o so loving husband recently purchased wii active for me and i just finished my first full workout on it. the first of a 30 day challenge. i am sweating so much there will probably be a spot on the couch when i stand up. it was great!

so join me on this journey to go down a few sizes in jeans, feel better about myself and maybe accomplish some larger fitness goals...triathlon anyone?

keep on moving!

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