Friday, February 26, 2010


home (hm) noun
1. A place where one lives; a residence.
2. A dwelling place together with the family or social unit that occupies it; a household.
3. The place where something is discovered, founded, developed, or promoted; a source.

We are almost home. Well someone's home, which we will hopefully during the upcoming months and throughout the next 15 to 30 years turn into our home. I have been renting a place to put my bed and my few boxes of possessions for the last 6 years. I am not sure what to feel with the permanence that comes with owning a home. My address will no longer change based on my life situation, my life will revolve around this hub of a home. I can paint, knock down walls, change the carpet and put the sarah stamp on it without having to ask anyone. I will finally get to the bottom of the boxes that have never really been unpacked because I just know I will move again.
This town will also be my home again. Although I grew up here it is different to come back, be married, have a job and really live here. This small town has a way of wrapping its arms around you and holding on. I love knowing someone who loves us is only a phone call away and that there is always a farmers market on Thursday mornings. The Regent theater will continue to be the best place to see a movie and Corky's will always mark the beginning of spring.
So home will be home again. And I think that will be great.

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